:: Website Refinement and Optimization

Introduction is a website featuring a unique home for sale in New Zealand.

Excellent and timely communication. Polished result as promised.

-- Wilfred

We connected with Wilfred, the owner of the home and the site, over the prospect of assisting him with optimizing the site's performance and refining the design.


Initially, it took the site over 8 seconds to load which seriously impacted the site's usability and user experience. By the time we were done, the load speed improved by over 100%!

Image Optimization

The largest resources on the site are images. This is to be expected given the website features a luxury home for sale. We optimized all 50+ slides and images through the site by converting them to WEBp format, which is a modern image format. We also optimized the dimensions of each image so we are not wasting bandwidth and slowing down the site.

Video Optimization

To further increase load speeds, we got rid of the bulky YouTube player scripts and replaced them with a light-weight version that defers loading the full player until the user clicks on the video to start playback.

Usability Improvements

We knew going in that one of the things that we need to improve is the usability of the site. It features a ton of helpful information about the site, however, it did not have any way to navigate to a section - there was no navigation menu at all.

We got to work creating tags for each of the major sections and organizing them in a side menu that did not obstruct the view of the site, but was there when needed.


We were able to clean up the design and remove distracting bouncing effects. We added small accents to refine the design and enhance the luxury feel of the sit to match the luxury design of the home.




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